PIPP Phase 2 Centers

U.S. National Science Foundation Center for Pandemic Insights

This Center will catalyze the expertise, creative ideas, and transdisciplinary initiatives needed to tackle the most formidable challenges to understanding the pre-emergence phase of pandemics

Pandemic ESCAPE (Environmental Surveillance Center for Assessing Pathogen Emergence)

The mission of Pandemic ESCAPE is to advance our understanding of pandemic emergence and resilience within the nexus of human behavior, wildlife, and the environment.

U.S. National Science Foundation Center for COMmunity Empowering Pandemic Prediction and Prevention from Atoms to SocietieS (NSF COMPASS)

The NSF COMPASS Center, with collaborators from Virginia Tech, Cornell University, Wake Forest University, University of Michigan, and Meharry Medical College, seeks to forecast and control future viral pandemics by addressing the grand challenge of uncovering the genetic, molecular, cellular, and chemical rules of life underlying pathogen-host interactions through community-based and ethically grounded research. 

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This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Award No. 2412115. Any opinions, findings and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation